Wednesday, May 16, 2012

  • Affirmation

Ok I will admit it, I have felt like the oddball at so many social functions in my adult life.  Not because of my clothing or hair or body art. I could not relate to every function I attended or participated in planning revolving around food!
I would look around and count how many of us are overweight or obese. I know I am not the only one that does this.  Yet we still have developed this belief that every event or sport requires a "snack."  Was it always like this?  When did we feel that we could not function or survive without a snack on the hour or a calorie loaded beverage in our hand?  
We are 'snacking' ourselves into a crisis!

Now a report by the Institute of Medicine at affirms that I am not alone in my concern.  
The report states that two-thirds of adults and one-third of children are overweight or obese.  Obesity affects the our risk for disease, our health care, and employment.

Obesity related diseases and disability costs annually 190.2 billion dollars!  

I would encourage you to review this report and incorporate recommended changes in your life:
  • Physical activity every day.
  • Focus on what matters for a healthy life.
  • Make healthy foods and beverages available everywhere.
  • Strengthen schools as the heart of health.
  • Activate employers and health care professionals.
I as a health care provider and individual this affirms my notion that we do not need to eat or drink during every waking hour.  Put this to action by offering healthy snacks the next time you are requested to bring a snack.  I was recently asked to bring cupcakes to an event.  I will be bringing fresh fruit instead. Yes sometimes eating healthier is a bit more costly, but a little more money up front will same money down the road.
 We all need to get proactive and take preventative steps to prevent gaining weight for ourselves and our children.

The next time you are involved in planning a function try not to have food present at all.  We all know that going an hour without a cookie or donut will not cause us to perish, just the opposite, it may add a few years to your life!

I encourage you to watch the series "The Weight of the Nation" on HBO for an insight and practical information regarding the obesity epidemic in our country.

Eat well, it matters!

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